This is a list of publications related to Vampire. This list is out of date, at the moment please refer to the team's personal or DBLP pages for related papers. Both Laura and Giles maintain preprints on their personal pages.
- Set of Support for Theory Reasoning IWIL@LPAR 2017
- First-Order Interpolation and Interpolating Proof Systems LPAR 2017
- Coming to terms with quantified reasoning POPL 2017
- A Unifying Principle for Clause Elimination in First-Order Logic CADE 2017
- Splitting Proofs for Interpolation CADE 2017
- Testing a Saturation-Based Theorem Prover: Experiences and Challenges TAP 2017
(Currently Missing) -
(Currently Missing) -
(Currently Missing) -
- CAV 2013 First-Order Theorem Proving and Vampire
- The 481 Ways to Split a Clause and Deal with Propositional Variables CADE 2013
- Playing in the grey area of proofs POPL 2012
- Vinter: A Vampire-Based Tool for Interpolation APLAS 2012
- Preprocessing techniques for first-order clausification FMCAD 2012
- Sine Qua Non for Large Theory Reasoning CADE 2011
- Case Studies on Invariant Generation Using a Saturation Theorem Prover MICAI 2011
- Invariant Generation in Vampire TACAS 2011
Before 2011
(Currently Missing)